ALS overview
The more you learn about ALS, the better prepared you’ll be. Remember, in addition to doing your research, speaking with your healthcare provider(s) regularly will help you make the most informed decisions moving forward.
ALS symptoms affect everyone differently
No two people with ALS are alike. This is because the signs and symptoms of ALS vary from person to person and often affect different regions of the body.
Over time, the number and degree of symptoms typically increase. At later stages of the disease, people may become incapable of movement and grow reliant on caregivers for complete assistance.

For many people, there are certain functions ALS does not affect. Most people typically maintain:
Sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell.
Control of eye muscles, bladder, and bowel functions.
Symptoms of impaired cognition and behaviour
Some people with ALS retain an alert mind but it is not uncommon for others to experience cognitive or behavioural changes.
Symptoms of impaired cognitive ability and behavioural changes include:
- A change in personality and acting uncharacteristically
- Conducting in inappropriate, embarrassing or childlike mannerisms
- Making inappropriate comments, also referred to as having a lack of “filter”
- Difficulty making decisions or making decisions that are inconsistent with past views or behaviours
- Impairments in thinking, reasoning or problem solving
- Decreased attention to hygiene, such as bathing, grooming, dressing and using the washroom
- Inability to follow instruction
- Changes in language processing such as the use of improper grammar, difficulty spelling or speaking that becomes nonsensical
Because of the individual nature of ALS, it’s extremely important that you speak with your healthcare provider(s) about the symptoms you are experiencing to better understand how your disease will impact you moving forward.
Want more information about ALS? Listen on-the-go!
Podcasts are a convenient way to get nuggets of practical information whenever and wherever you are. If you’re looking to learn about the basics of ALS, including its history, symptoms and tests you can use to monitor your disease, then this episode is for you:
ALS podcast series: Basics of ALS